Immagini da 5x22 Sleeping in Light (Al Sorgere del Sole)

Scarica il video con la sequenza finale della distruzione di Babylon 5

Ora disponibile solo su #StarTrek-Central-Italia

Durata: 1m.:52.s
Dimensione: 9,27Mb

Codificato in DivX 5 

Alcuni frame del filmato:

L'uomo in tuta da lavoro è lo stesso J. Michael Straczynski che avvia la sequenza di autodistruzione della stazione.

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Due scene commentate da  J. Michael Straczynski

Was that a Hugo on Ivanova's desk?
JMS: Yeah, that was our first Hugo...just sorta slipped it in with Ivanova's other awards. It was kind of a nod back to our fans...and I think the first time that a Hugo has been shown on-screen in a series that has *won* a Hugo.

The Hugo award won for "The Coming of Shadows"

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Una foto del Premio Hugo


JMS: When I was directing "Sleeping in Light," there's a scene with Sheridan and a mirror. (That's all I'll say about it, so there's no spoiler info there.) As John Flinn lit the shot, and angled the mirror...I froze at what I was seeing on the monitor. I called John over, and pointed to it. "Do you see what I see?" It took him a moment, but then his eyes went wide, and by his own reckoning, "the skin on my arms crawled." He turned to the guys dressing the set and said, in a very loud, clear voice, "NOBODY TOUCHES THAT MIRROR! YOU HEAR ME!? NOBODY!" 

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Esplosione della stazione:

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Una rapidissima carrellata di foto di tutto lo staff tecnico e produttivo della serie.


Lo staff al completo

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clicca qui

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Da questa lunga carrellata di personaggi ne mancano comunque alcuni importanti, ecco cosa dice J. Michael Straczynski al riguardo:

Why weren't Lochley or Sinclair included in the credits?
JMS: We are bound by contract to use the credits as they were applied in S4, when "Sleeping in Light" was shot. You can't just put people's credits in a show for sentimental reasons...they trigger residuals, royalties, fees, and other contractual areas.


Alcune foto sono tratte da: grazie a no_carrier per il link.


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Un produzione #StarTrek-Central-Italia.